The Prairie State Promise Will
Restore Government Finances & Fairness

Stop Spending Money
That We Don’t Have
Stop Making the Pension Problem Worse
The Prairie State Promise demands that state and local legislators in Illinois admit we have a pension crisis and stop making our problems worse. Illinois has the worst state bond rating and some of the lowest pension funding levels in the nation. We must stop sweetening pensions and signing new personnel contracts our taxpayers can’t afford.
Equal Benefits
Pension plans for public employees are dramatically richer than what is available for citizens. Most public employees get to retire many years earlier with much greater benefits than the general public. The Prairie State Promise calls for equitable pensions and retirement benefits for public employee pensions and citizens going forward.
Empower Voters
Every voter deserves a voice in the issues that matter most. The Prairie State Promise asks legislators to put pension reform to the voters in the form of a constitutional amendment.